Friday, July 16, 2010

"Torch run of dreams......"

“Torch run of dreams....”
I am sure just about everyone has seen the movie “Field of Dreams” we started our day off in the town of Schuyler (skyler,) Nebraska. Schuyler is another one of those picturesk small towns in the central part of the United States with very core values. We started our run at the edge of town running over the railway bridge intering town. Almost everytown in central Nebraska has a large Railway Bridge with two to three railway track into town. Central Nebraska is on the main line for bnsf route east/west across the United States. 
Of course when everyone sees this bridge you can hear the gasps out of them because this makes the 8-9 bridge we have run over in past few days, but it makes it fun with everyone in step you can feel the bridge bounce a little bit. As we get to the crest of the bridge we see the main part of town running past a nursing home with the rsidents out waving american flags and clapping. Once we passed the nursing home we were greated by a young mother out with her children on the side of the road cheering us all on. We all knew we were running to a baseball field for the ceremony, but we were in for a treat to say the least. We ran into the field with the lushest green grash on a field that I have ever seen with an unbeliveably manicured infield. The field reminded me of abner double day fied in Cooperstown, New York or one of the fields from League of Their Own. The bleachers were all covered from the first baseline to the third baseline. Chicken wire acted as a shield for the spectators and as a back stop. Everything was painted with a deep dark green. Several of us spoke with the Mayor of Schuyler and you could tell she was very proud of her town. She told the Team that the field was built in 1932 and that the town ballroom was build by the WPA (works progress administration.)
Jason Niemi from Wyoming spoke at Schuyler along with Ronnie Warren from Missouri.  Jason did an amazing job with his speech speaking about his involvement with Special Olympics and LETR. Jason meet his wife vounteering with Special Olympics and she continues to volunteer with him. Jason works for the Wheatland Police Department in Wyoming. His department currently has seven officers. 
The next stop for the Final Leg team was Columbus, Nebraska which is were fellow Final Leg Team Leader Kevin Stary is from. The stop in Columbus was enjoyable, the team ran from just outside of town into the center of town where they have a very nice band shell and park. I was able to meet Kevin’s fiance Amber finally, I have heard so much about her. I met kevin on the 2009 Final Leg for the World Winter Games. Kevin is an amazing friend and we have stayed close over the past year. I will be an usher in Kevin’s wedding this September with Gary Gordon from Ireland who was also on the 2009 Final Leg. 
Columbus was a very pretty town, the park area in the center of town had huge trees that proided tons of shade around the park. The park also contained a very nice monument to honor the union soldiers that were killed in the civil war. Robbie gave his speech before 20-30 local athletes, their parents and citizens of columbus. He did amazing as always. He was presented a really neat gift at the ceremony, he recieved a Monoply game specific to Columbus, Nebraska to commimorate Colunbus 150 year anniversary. Robbie said he can’t wait to play it when he gets home!!
From Columbus we traveled a little over two hours to Ord, Nebraska. By the time we reached Ord the tempatures had reached over 100 degrees with a heat index of over 110 degrees. We were with Bill Buford and Joe Pellicci’s team today. The heat was definetly affecting all of us today, but our team hung in there Robbie did amazing. Prior to the run we were joined by two local officers that joined the formation as wel as singing cadience with us. Everyone of the towns that we had visited so far all had very nice parks Ord did as well, they had a very nice park with huge Oak Trees and a nice pond for the local children to fish in. The town was also very proud of the very large flag in the center of town dedicated to the memory of soldiers who had died in wars from their town. The school superntendant spoke as well as the mayor, with probably 75 people in attendance. 
From Ord we traveled south to North Platte which is where we will stay tonight. In the town of North Platte is where Buffalo Bill Cody’s Historic Ranch Park is located, we did not have time to go visit the park during our stay. When we arrived back in North Platte the heat index was well over 110 degrees. Six of the nine teams meet up for a over 2.5 mile run through the center of town before having a ceremony at Cody Park and then having a meal provided by a local bank. After dinner I bought ice cream to celebrate our drivers birthday. Jake turned 33 today!! Our team had gotten together and decorated our RV the night before by window painting the windows, decorating the inside and getting him a card. Jake has spolied all of us during the trip and we all are blessed to have him be apart of our team....Happy Birthday Jake!!

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